5 tips for building a winning brand


5 tips for building a winning brand

Great brands are built through the pride and commitment of employees and the loyalty and love of customers. Taking that as a starting point here are 5 tips to help build yours.

1.    Create meaning in your business

A company, its products and services need to have meaning for employees, suppliers, distributors and customers. The more they care about the brand, what it represents and stands for, the better your business will be. Focus the business on what it’s good at, where it creates passion. Stop doing things the business isn’t good at or passionate about. Make sure people know why the business is different. Get employees playing to their strengths both through their technical skills and knowledge but also their character and personality. Align the best people with the biggest opportunities. 

2.    Achieve more

Develop disciplined habits, processes and systems that bring consistency to the brand giving employees freedom and responsibility to work within these. Set exciting, motivational goals aligned to the business purpose and core strengths. Ensure the business delivers and keeps all promises.

3.    Nurture winning relationships

Decide which employees and customers your business should get to know, focusing on the most important! Listen to the needs of your employees and customers and take action on what you learn. Communicate clearly and with clarity to get known by potential employees and customers for the things that they find attractive. Encourage mutual benefit, commitment and loyalty.

4.    Build resilience and sustainability

Keep challenging the brand to flex, adapt and grow in line with its core purpose, meaning and strengths. Develop stamina and resilience to change in both employees and the business. Ensure the brand can sustain and knows when to relax! Monitor the health and reputation of your brand ensuring insight leads to action. Put in place plans to manage in a crisis. Protect intellectual property through copyright, patents and trade marks. Ensure the business owns appropriate domains and social media sites. Create an efficient, effective and stimulating work environment internally. Manage a positive impact on the external work environment.

5.    Engage positive experiences and emotions

Living off past glories or worrying too much about the future will distract focus.   Focusing on the present, create and deliver consistent experiences that make employees, customers and other stakeholders feel positive about the business and keep wanting to come back.

Above all ensure your brand is creating wellbeing in the world!

Improveon helps businesses to improve brand, team and personal performance.  Call or contact David now to find out how Improveon can help build your brand.